The Sunnyside Community Garden is a Working Group of OPIRG Kingston.

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May 28, 2008

Soil for new beds

Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed, it appears that UK has delivered the soil for the two new gardening beds. The unfortunate thing is that they dumped it all in ONE bed, so we will have to shift some over to fill the other one. I noticed tonight that someone has begun the job, and I gave it a stab this evening too. If you are in the garden and have some free time, please feel free to shift some soil. There's a wheelbarrow and a spade in the shed. It would be great to get this done before the rain comes on the weekend.

I'm also interested in knowing what people have planted so far this year. How are things going? Care to share your successes/failures? This week we have been harvesting our first crop of salad greens (Rocket, Mustard Greens and Cress) as well as radishes, all of which were planted from seed in late April. These were very easy to grow, and the greens did very well under the floating row cover.

Happy gardening,
Joey (who just used a b-l-o-g for the first time... yay!)

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