The Sunnyside Community Garden is a Working Group of OPIRG Kingston.

Click once on an event below

March 12, 2009

Photos for blog

Hello! It's Tracey (I was a gardener last year and am moving to Toronto this summer.) I just noticed that the photo stream for the blog is from my flickr site. If anyone has photos they want me to add, let me know. (And if you switch it to someone else's photo stream who is a current gardener, of course that's fine with me too.)

Best of luck in the garden this year!

March 07, 2009

Upcoming events

We will be having our first meeting of 2009 on Sunday, March 29th 2-4pm. This will be at 489 Victoria Street. We will meet new members, discuss spring gardening issues and discuss funding. If you have any other agenda items, please email the listserve at:

Also, please check the calendar above for all the upcoming events in March. If there are other events to post, please let Joey Bray know at: