The Sunnyside Community Garden is a Working Group of OPIRG Kingston.

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May 01, 2008

new bed-frames up, + other updates

Darren, Huss, Joey, Alexis and I have put up the two new beds for Martha's Table. The materials cost $400, marked down over $100 courtesy of Glen Supply up on Counter Street. Let's try to thank them by giving them business. They are local and have lumber and some hardware.

Soon, hopefully, dirt will arrive from UK to put in them. When it does, we'll be calling for people to help fill the beds.

UK is also set to remove shrubs from the daycare fence, as well as the beds at the Brock Street face of the substation. Yael has done a lot of work planning the ornamental beds to go there. There will probably be a call in May for some help with working the soil, moving the soil, as well as planting.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beds look great!! Cath